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Lumpy Mail ideas


Sales, in the traditional sense, has changed a lot over the last decade or so. We’ve seen a rapid increase in digital marketing, and our online world has become saturated with businesses trying to get our attention through social media and email marketing in particular. We are so used to seeing social posts all competing with the same hum-drum messages, lead by so called influencers, we’ve become numb to it.

So what can we do in order to stand out? How can we guarantee that our sales messages will be read, instead of deleted and ignored?

The answer lies in something glaringly simple.

Lumpy mail.

What is lumpy mail?

Imagine going through your postbag (which, by the way, has shrunk considerably over the past 10 years). You might see a few bills, invoices, a flyer or two… and then you see something that’s a bit different. It’s not flat, like the rest of your mail. It’s a bit of an odd shape. The envelope (or box) stands out from the plain manilla. What’s inside? You’re immediately intrigued – you want to open it to solve the mystery.

Be honest, if you received something like that, you wouldn’t ignore it, would you? Of course not!

And that’s the secret of lumpy mail.

Why does it work?

Up to 90% of direct mail gets opened, compared to only 20-30% of emails. Like I mentioned – we’re becoming a bit bored of marketing emails, because we get so many of them. But getting something in the post, although old-school, is somewhat of a novelty. It’s like getting a gift – and who doesn’t like gifts?

Creating a piece of lumpy mail is a very important first step in getting your mail opened – however, you do need to pair it with a well thought out letter with a defined call to action in order to get sales from it!

Examples of lumpy mail

I’ve seen all sorts of great examples of lumpy mail in the past. Of course, all types of industries can take advantage of items like pens, notepads, fridge magnets, and calendars, which are a fabulous way of getting your brand in front of people – and a constant reminder if it’s something they see on their desks every day.

There are also much quirkier things you can do – and if you can use your imagination to tie in with your products and services, all the better.

How about these for some fun ideas:

  • A branded coffee mug with a complimentary sachet of coffee…to drink while they read your brochure.

  • A casino chip with your logo…to cash in on your latest product or service.

  • A bookmark with your website address…to remind them to bookmark your page on their browser.

The sky really is the limit – and it doesn’t have to cost very much at all.

Why not talk to us here at The Printing Lady today, and we can plan your next lumpy mail idea!



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